
About Us

The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick provides leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour, community organizations and individuals.



The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick Ltd. was formed in 1988 when stakeholders decided there was a need for a multi-sectoral literacy organization. Since then LCNB has carried out projects in the areas of literacy research, improving access and outreach, improving co-ordination and information sharing, improving public awareness and developing learning materials.



LCNB is the recognized leader in advancing literacy in New Brunswick.



The Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick will provide leadership to advance literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills for all citizens through partnerships and collaboration with government, educational institutions, business, labour, community organizations and individuals.


Strategic Directions
  • Improve visibility and image
  • Enhance geographical scope of core activity
  • Optimize administrative and operational capacity
  • Build long-term financial capacity


  1. To be a recognized leader in New Brunswick for literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills;
  2. To build knowledge and expertise and to broker tools, supports and best practices in literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills;
  3. To develop a greater appreciation of the needs of learners, through the creation of a “learner culture” within the Coalition;
  4. To respect and support the work of all partners in New Brunswick working in the fields of literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills, and to celebrate their achievements;
  5. To review annually the Board of the Coalition to ensure a strong representation of government, universities and colleges, libraries, business, labour and the voluntary sector, as well as learners, and taking into consideration the necessity of including members from both urban and rural New Brunswick as well as from Aboriginal communities;
  6. To monitor continually the operation of the Coalition to assure efficient management and accountability, and to enhance risk management, with the support of the Finance, Management and Accountability Committee; and
  7. To plan and evaluate all initiatives and projects of the Coalition to maximize their value and effectiveness in advancing literacy, lifelong learning and essential skills in New Brunswick, as well as to meet all obligations inherent in our funding agreement with the Office of Literacy and Essential Skills, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, and other contracts.